Introducing MSTSC /admin
The Terminal Services team has put up a new article that describes the differences between Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 when you use the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client to remotely connect to the server for administrative purposes.
In Windows Server 2003, you can start the RDC client (mstsc.exe) with the /console switch to remotely connect to the physical console session on the server (also known as session 0). In Windows Server 2008, the /console switch doesn't exist anymore because session 0 is a non-interactive session that is reserved for services. Just like in Vista.
No need to be sad. There's a new switch (and we love switches don't we). It's a way cooler sounding switch as well: /admin. In short, you will (need to) use the /admin switch if you want to connect to a TS as an admin. Using the switch makes sure that you don't get the "user experience" in that:
• You do not need a TS CAL to connect remotely to administer a terminal server.
• Time zone redirection is disabled.
• Terminal Services Session Broker (TS Session Broker) redirection is disabled.
• Plug and Play device redirection is disabled.
• The remote session theme is changed to Windows Classic.
• Terminal Services Easy Print is disabled.