
A closer look at the new "Dynamic Memory" feature of Hyper-V: is it worth it for VDI?

Over the past couple of months we have been designing the integration plans for Quest vWorkspace with RemoteFX and Dynamic Memory. I have gather my thoughts and written an article about it which has been published at

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 will introduce two major new features: RemoteFX and Dynamic Memory. I've written about RemoteFX before (as has Brian), so today's focus is Dynamic Memory (from the VDI perspective). We'll also look at the inevitable question of how it compares to the memory management technologies in VMware ESX.

Dynamic Memory is a new feature of Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1, or more specifically Hyper-V in Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. It lets you to take all of the memory in that Hyper-V host and dynamically distribute it across all of the VMs. (Hence the name "Dynamic Memory" -- possibly the first time a Microsoft feature name actually makes sense!) Dynamic Memory changes the way Hyper-V manages memory and makes it closer to the way CPU resources are managed, namely, shared across all VMs on the host.

Read the article at

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