Taking a closer look at what Windows 8 will bring regarding management of RDS
This article takes a closer look at what Windows Server 8 is going to offer concerning management of Remote Desktop Services.
The developer preview edition of Windows Server 8 has been around for a few months now. The Beta Release and Release Candidate still have to be released of course, but in this article, we will take a closer look at what Windows Server 8 is going to offer concerning management of Remote Desktop Services. However, please take note of the fact that everything in this article is based on the developer preview, so inside the upcoming Beta release or the eventual Release Candidate, you might discover some minor changes. The first difference you will notice when it comes to managing the roles of a server running Windows Server 8 in general is that the way you knew Server Manager from the previous release (Windows Server 2008 R2) does not exist anymore. We now have a brand new Server Manager. It will take some time to get used to this new interface, but the new server manager definitely brings many useful new features and, as we will see later on in this article, has a focus on providing a single point of management for all your servers.
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