

Jospeh Moody describes the client config and deployment of the Microsoft profile management product, UE-V.

While the benefits of universal application data access is awesome, there are problems with the traditional methods of doing so. The problem with both of these technologies is that they either impact user logons or can completely overwhelm a file server with the constant writing of files. And so for years, we have either used these technologies (with their drawbacks) or kept all application data locally. With users expecting near instant access and a seamless configuration across devices, it is more important for IT to keep up than ever before. UE-V takes the best parts of both technologies and combines them into an extremely simple solution comprised of just four components.


UE-V, at a core level, is comprised of two pieces and two storage locations.

First, the UE-V Agent is required on any machine that will make use of application data virtualization. The second component is the UE-V Generator which is used to generate custom application setting templates. UE-V, naturally, needs a network location to store data from application settings. This can be a dedicated network share (with permissions set similar to Folder Redirection) or a home folder (that is already configured for the users).

By default, the UE-V client will use a home folder. This location can be changed during the client deployment (or with Group Policy). If you plan on using the UE-V Generator to create custom templates, you will also need a second share to store them. This template catalog is regularly checked by the UE-V agent for updated application templates. UE-V also recommends that Offline Files be enabled. This is restriction can be turned off and is configurable in Group Policythough.


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