
A closer look at LWL Stratusphere UX Logintime and Boot Monitoring

Liquidware Labs has had their monitoring Stratusphere UX product for a while. One of most recent cool new additions in my mind is their Login and Boot time monitoring - which also offers detailed insights that helps you troubleshoot. This article takes a closer look.

The article focuses on a feature of Stratusphere UX called the machine boot and login process breakdown inspector. Among other things, it can help you gain visibility into boot and login delays. The machine boot and login breakdown feature was introduced in Stratusphere 5.8, and it can be found in the Advanced Mode inspectors.

You’ll be presented with average machine boot and login detail metrics for all users who reporting a login event—take note of the detailed and trended information about boot and login delay as well as the major steps, including: computer group policy, user group police, domain controller discovery, operations and extension, as well as timing information on authentication, user profile, themes and network restores. You’ll also be provided with details on Windows-reported error events, number of logins, users and observed machines.

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