White Paper: Virtual Printing Solutions in VMware Horizon View 6
VMware has released a white paper with a detailed description of the two types of virtual printing solutions: printer redirection and location-based printing. Details for each solution cover the use cases, the data flow and topology, and the configuration steps.
Printer Redirection
Printer redirection enables end users to send print jobs from a View virtual desktop to a network printer or to a printer locally attached to the user’s client device. A wide range of client devices is supported, including Windows and Linux PCs, Macintosh computers, and thin clients. PCs and Macs need to run Horizon Client software, which redirects print jobs from the View desktop or hosted application to a network printer or a locally attached printer.
Location-Based Printing
Location-based printing determines which printer to use based on the location of the end user’s client device and the mapping rules set up by the IT administrator.
The location-based approach simplifies the user experience by limiting the number of choices in a corporate environment to the printers closestto the end user’s current location. For example, an end user might connect to a View desktop from one floor of an office; the only printers available to that end user are on the same floor. When the end user moves to a different floor and logs in, the only printers available are located on that floor.
Download the whitepaper here (pdf): https://www.vmware.com/files/pdf/techpaper/vmware-horizon-6-view-virtual-printing-location-redirection.pdf