
Citrix Releases Receiver 4.4 - New Features listing

Citrix recently released version 4.4 of Citrix Receiver. This article covers what's new and improved.

Smooth Install and upgrade

This release enables you to easily upgrade from any of the previous version of Receiver for Windows, whether it is 12.0 online plugin, 3.4 enterprise or the 4.x version. The previously installed plugins and the critical settings are preserved when you upgrade to the 4.4 version, providing the same default experience as before. Refer the KB article CTX135933 for more details on Receiver upgrade.

Do I still need to run the Receiver cleanup utility?

No, you don’t need to run the Receiver cleanup utility while upgrading to the new 4.4 version of Receiver from any older version of Receiver.

Hardware decode for graphics

The new Receiver can now accelerate the decoding for graphics using the GPU on the client device. It uses the DXVA (DirectX Video Acceleration) API layer for hardware decode of the deep compression graphics codec. This new feature significantly improves the performance at lower CPU cost for XenApp and XenDesktop 7.x versions, where the deep compression graphics mode is default.

Enhanced connection experience

This release improves the connection experience with session reliability and auto client reconnection, making it more robust and user friendly.


Virtual Channel SDK

A new ‘Virtual Channel SDK for Windows Version 14’ is available , which is compatible with Receiver for Windows 4.4. Download the new VCSDK here.

NIST SP800-52 compliance

In addition, this release simplifies compliance with the TLS guidelines in NIST SP 800-52 Revision 1. A setting is provided which selects only specific TLS ciphersuites that appear in this NIST Recommendation. This setting is enforced in Receiver, separately from the TLS ciphersuite configuration at a gateway.

SSON Configuration

In case of using the selfservice UI and the desktop viewer, now with Receiver 4.4 you don’t need make the configuration to “Allow pass through authentication for all ICA connections”, as SSON will be enabled by default in such case .

More information here:

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