hopTo announces Project Mobilis - branches out to HDX
hopTo, the company that aims to make (legacy) Windows applications easier to use on mobile devices has announced Project Mobilis at Citrix Summit 2016.
Project Mobilis should enable Citrix customers to transport and transform their existing Windows and Internet Explorer-based applications for mobile devices delivered via Citrix XenApp and HDX.
Project Mobilis is being built to deliver the following features in conjunction with Citrix XenApp, HDX, and mobile client technologies:
- MAXControl – Create hierarchical touch friendly menus to control app functions.
- MAXEdit – Context aware touch-enabled text editing.
- MAXCam – Leverage local device camera to scan bar codes, QR codes, and photos.
- MAX-IE – Instantly mobilize and touch-enable Internet Explorer based web applications, including applications that employ Java, Adobe Flash, or Silver- light technologies.
- Easily multitask and switch between apps without closing or minimizing.
- Secure, touch-friendly Office® document editing, on the internal network.