
The Challenges for Software Developers with Modern App Delivery

This White Paper is available to help a Software Vendor understand how their business customers implement the software packages that they buy, why they are so frustrated, and what you can do about it.

"While much attention goes into the design of software products, when it comes to commercial software sold to businesses, it is often the installer that receives the least amount of attention when in comparison to the impact that the component has on the customer. The customer is not only the enduser that considers your application to be their personal “mission critical app”.

The customer is also the IT department that is responsible for getting that app where, and when, it needs to be. Software installation is no longer a one-time event for them. They need to apply the software to systems on a demand basis, automatically without human interventions, and with the customizations they require so that the end-user isn’t burdened with configuration. And if you don’t get through them, it doesn’t get to the end-user. Which means that you don’t get the renewal/maintenance on that app.

And if you think that these folks are running around installing software all over the place you are wrong. They use automation. They use delivery systems. And they use technologies that do some weird stuff that you probably don’t expect. But by now, you should. So let’s talk about this."


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