Brian Madden Paper On "New" Citrix Licensing (Part 1 Of 2)
Thursday, 10 February 2005 by Michel Roth
By now most people are familiar with the basics of MetaFrame Access Suite version 3 licensing, the core tenet being that you download license files from Citrix and put them on your license servers. But what exactly are these license files and how do they work?

As you know, all version 3 licensing is centered on the concept of the license file. A license file is just a regular text file with the extension “.LIC” that you place on your Citrix license server. The license server reads the licensing information contained in the license file and then hands out licenses to users as they connect via various MetaFrame servers.

Read the whole paper here.

Related Items:

Brian Madden Paper On "New" Citrix Licensing (Part 2 Of 2) (10 February 2005)
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The License-File Mechanics Of Subscription Advantage (28 February 2007)
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What’s new in Terminal Services Licensing for Longhorn? (Part 5) (2 May 2007)
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