Building Dynamic Start Menus With Access-Based Enumeration
Tuesday, 08 April 2008 by Michel Roth
Something as trivial as populating a Start Menu can prove to be a more time consuming task than you would expect at first. Especially in larger environment this really needs to get some thought. If you don't have access to thirdparty tools that automatically populate the Start Menu then a Windows feature called Access Based Enumeration could help you out.

Although Access Based Enumeration can really help you out in creating that dynamic start menu, you still need to go through a couple of steps. Aaron Parker has a nice little article up that tells you exactly what you need to do. Note that using this method relies on hiding files that are located on a file share. This means that 1) you will need to enable folder redirection would could cause you to run into a LanManServer bottleneck (although the redirection of the Start Menu isn't nearly as demanding on the file server as the redirection of AppData is) and 2) you are hiding shortcuts not creating actual individual shortcuts per user. If you need to do that you should use some third party tool like the client from the Provision Networks Virtual Access Suite that automatically populates your Start Menu based on the application you have access to.

Read Aaron's article on Building Dynamic Start Menus With Access-Based Enumeration.

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