Citrix Announces Project Trinity: Citrix Not Just For Terminal Servers Anymore
Wednesday, 25 October 2006 by Michel Roth
When you take a look at Citrix Remote Desktop Broker, which was released yesterday, you can clearly see that this is a temporary solution. The Citrix Remote Desktop Broker allows you to connect to pooled Virtual Desktops via ICA and then via RDP. This double-hop "strategy" clearly is a temporary solution. The only thing preventing a a ICA connection to a Virtual Desktop is the lack of "Citrix capabilities" for Windows XP (or Vista). With the announcement of Citrix' Project Trinity, Citrix is announcing out loud that they are working on a "Presentation Server for Windows XP". Project Trinity should become available Q1 2007.

Quoting from "Citrix's newly revealed Trinity project will uncouple its technology from Microsoft's Terminal Services and allow users to support Windows, VMware or Blade PC-based desktops. The Trinity technology will be offered as a new standalone product and will not require Microsoft terminal services -- for the first time, executives acknowledged.

Citrix's classic Presentation Server allows end users to access shared Windows desktops from a server farm running terminal services. Trinity, in contrast, will allow users to connect physically to various types of desktops -- shared desktops, or dedicated virtualized or Blade PC-delivered desktops that cater to the needs of individual users. Trinity will allow customers to connect to the desktop using Citrix's Independent Client Architecture (ICA) protocol, the company said.

Citrix claims eventually Trinity will provide customers with one platform for dynamic desktop delivery that can be customized and tailored for different types of user groups. Citrix's latest move underscores the rapid pace at which modern desktop technologies are evolving.

Citrix's Trinity is a key pillar of the company's Dynamic Desktop strategy unveiled at iForum. At iForum, Windows access device makers including HP, Neoware and Wyse as well as servers and virtualization vendors Dell, HP, IBM, Microsoft, VMware Infrastructure and XenSource all announced support for the Dynamic Desktop strategy.

Related Items:

Brian Madden Interviews Citrix's Brian Nason And Sumit Dhawan About VDI And Project Trinity (21 December 2006)
Brian Madden On Project Trinity (16 November 2006)
More On Citrix' Project Trinity (5 December 2006)
What Does “Virtualization” Mean For Trinity? (21 December 2006)
Citrix Announces Citrix Desktop Server 1.0 (10 April 2007)
Citrix Announces Citrix Desktop Server (1 February 2007)
More On Project Trinity: PortICA (26 October 2006)
XenDesktop Tech Preview To Include PortICA (5 November 2007)
Citrix Releases Administrator's Guide For Desktop Broker For Citrix Presentation Server (19 October 2006)
Brian Madden Interviews Citrix CEO Mark Templeton (11 January 2007)
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