Citrix Web Interface 4.6 And Citrix Secure Gateway On The Same Box
Wednesday, 17 October 2007 by Michel Roth
Patrick Rouse has published an article at on the subject of installing the Citrix Web Interface (4.6) on the same box as the Citrix Secure Gateway. This is actually a really helpfull article because it's not an uncommon setup in the "non-enterprise" environments. This part one of a series on this subject. In part two of the series article Patrick will go over the installation and configuration of Citrix Secure Gateway, as well as the required firewall configuration.

In part one
of this article it was described how to do a basic installation of Citrix Web Interface 4.6 and how to request and install a 3rd Party SSL Server Certificate.

Part two describes how to install and configure Citrix Secure Gateway 3.0 on the same server, so Internet Users can securely connect to Citrix Servers on a private network.

Related Items:

Citrix Web Interface 4.6 And Citrix Secure Gateway On The Same Box (14 September 2007)
Unattended Installation Of The Citrix Web Interface (21 September 2006)
An Overview of Longhorn Server’s Terminal Service Gateway (Part 3) (1 September 2006)
An Overview Of Longhorn Server’s Terminal Service Gateway (Part 4) (13 September 2006)
An Overview of Longhorn Server’s Terminal Service Gateway (Part 2) (15 August 2006)
Certificate Conversion Tool For Secure Gateway Migrations (24 July 2006)
Locking Down Windows Terminal Services (30 May 2007)
Explaing Certificates On The TS Gateway (15 December 2008)
How To Use PNA With Secure Gateway? (8 August 2006)
RD Gateway deployment in a perimeter network & Firewall rules (3 August 2009)
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