Dealing With Poor Bandwidth And Latency
Wednesday, 07 December 2005 by Michel Roth
An article by Stefan Vermeulen on poor bandwidth and latency (and no it's not about printing):

"Bandwidth and latency can have a huge impact on the use of Server Based Computing and can lead to an unworkable environment for the end users. This article will help you understand and fight these issues where possible. Latency is the delay it takes for a package to travel from the server to the client, and vice versa. A simple ping command will tell you the latency for that ping to arrive to its destination. (called the entry “time=”) A LAN environment usually has a low latency, as it has to travel a short distance. When going over WAN connections or using the internet (which uses a lot of routers to go from a to b) latency can increase. The biggest latency is seen when crossing continents or using satellites. In combination with poor bandwidth this is fatal."

Read it here.

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"VMware 'Miles Ahead' Of Microsoft Virtual Server" (29 September 2006)
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