Disaster Recovery for Hyper-V (Part 1) |
Friday, 05 June 2009
by Michel Roth
Although backing up and recovering a server is often simple and
straightforward, virtualization can bring an extra layer of
complexity into the picture. In this article series, I will discuss
your options for disaster recovery within a Hyper-V environment.
Although there are many benefits to server virtualization, there is
no denying that virtualization also adds an extra layer of
complexity to server management. Perhaps nowhere is this more true
than when it comes to backup and restore initiatives. What is even
more frustrating is that there is a lot of misinformation on the
Internet regarding backups and disaster recovery for virtual
servers. In this article series, I am going to try to set the
record straight by explaining the various disaster recovery options
that are available to you in a Hyper-V environment.