Doug Brown Sells Advanced Print Manager To triCerat
Friday, 22 June 2007 by Michel Roth
Doug Brown of has announced that he has sold his Advanced Print Manager To triCrat. tiCerat will incooperate the product into their "Simplify" suite.

"Advanced Print Manager software was acquired by remote printing experts, triCerat, to now include in their Simplify Printing Bundle v4.5 and Simplify Suite v4.5 software. This move made sense for me, as many of the companies interested in APM, ended up finding triCerat ScrewDrivers (also included in their Simplify Printing Bundle) a more developed, mature solution for eliminating printing woes."

Related Items:

triCerat Releases Simplify Suite v4.5.09 (15 August 2007)
triCerat Simplify Suite v4 Review (14 February 2006)
triCerat ScrewDrivers v4.0 64 Bit Final RC (3 May 2006)
Tricerat simplify printing review (14 December 2004)
ScrewDriver v4 Whitepaper (5 May 2006)
Doug Brown Performance & Printing Webinar Presentation Download (1 December 2004)
triCerat ScrewDrivers vs. ThinPrint .print Remote Desktop Print Engine Comparison (26 April 2006)
Ericom® and triCerat® Partner to Optimize Server Based Computing Environments (13 April 2006)
A Comparison Of triCerat’s Simplify Resources And The CPS4 CPU Utilization Management Feature (6 April 2006)
triCerat ScrewDrivers vs. Citrix PS4 Printing (10 March 2006)
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