Finally, the Mysteries of ICA Decoded
Friday, 26 June 2009 by Michel Roth
This is a tech talk that will be taking place on July 9, 2009. One of our propeller heads will be geeking out on how Citrix ICA (a key feature of Citrix HDX Broadcast) and the CGP protocol function

The discussion, from what I hear, is also going to dissect ICA packets and include best practices for ICA acceleration that will make your overall network traffic more efficient. One of the things I'm particularly interested in hearing about is why single session bandwidth testing isn't accurate.


In this TechTalk, you'll learn about:

*ICA protocol overview

*ICA bandwidth requirements and testing recommendations

*How Common Gateway Protocol (CGP) relates to ICA

*ICA Performance across the WAN with and without Citrix Repeater


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