Jeff Pitsch On What Windows Server 2008 Could Do To Citrix
Wednesday, 30 May 2007 by Michel Roth
Now, with the coming of Windows Server 2008 and its Terminal Server features, the question get's asked even more than at other Wndows Server releases. Jeff Pitsch has written a small article on what he thinks is going to happen and why.

I've been seeing a lot of Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services features recently but I'm not quite ready to give my "verdict" yet. Although the Terminal Server feature set has never been boosted like this before, I think it takes a good look at the details of certain features to see what's what. This is what I've been doing lately. Keep an eye on for more in-depth information about the new features of Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services!

Related Items:

Changes In Functionality From Windows Server 2003 With SP1 To Windows Server 2008 (3 July 2007)
Installing Terminal Server roles In Windows Longhorn 2008 (14 June 2007)
Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services Resource Kit (10 February 2009)
Introducing Terminal Services Server Drain Mode (18 June 2007)
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