Microsoft And Wyse Help Thin Clients Run Multimedia
Wednesday, 06 September 2006 by Michel Roth
Wyse Technology is working with Microsoft to greatly improve the multimedia experience for thin client users. The update to Microsoft's remote desktop technology could address one of the chief drawbacks of a server-based computing architecture and see thin client terminals used more widely in future.

The next version of Microsoft's Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) will include the ability for some multimedia content to be handled by the client instead of the host, according to Wyse. This will allow terminals to better support applications such as voice over IP (VoIP) and web conferencing, which are currently impractical.

"In the past, potential users have said 'we can't have multimedia or rich media on thin clients, so we'll go with PCs instead'. This technology will take that away," said Tarkan Maner, worldwide president for Field Operations at Wyse.

The simplest thin clients are little more than a console displaying the desktop of a user session hosted on a server. This arrangement works well for productivity tasks, but introduces delays when displaying moving video, for example. The forthcoming version of RDP, currently in beta and due to ship with Windows Vista, will allow multimedia content to be streamed to the terminal for local decoding.

"This will minimise delays and frame drops in video streaming," Maner said. The updated RDP will appear next year in Wyse S-class terminals running the firm's own embedded ThinOS code, he added.

The inflated hardware requirements of Windows Vista may renew interest in server-based computing, according to Wyse, as organisations are likely to seek an alternative to replacing desktops with costly new high-end PCs.


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Comments (2)
written by progment, September 16, 2008
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written by progment, October 01, 2008
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Veda Thin Client MMX is a higerend version thin client works with Pentium I with 64 MB RAM. It Automatically detects most most of the Display adapters and Sound Cards. V32 Supports, Sound, local devices, printers and 24 bit color support. MMX version ships with built in Media Player and MP3 player to play streaming Videos like VCD, DVD movies and higher end music with mp3 player.
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