Microsoft Windows Hypervisor To Have Recovery Capability
Wednesday, 17 May 2006 by Michel Roth points to an interesting article about the recovery capabilities of Windows Hypervisor:

"We already have a lot of informations about next generation virtualization solution from Microsoft, codename Viridian, unofficially called Windows Hypervisor since beginning. Microsoft itself provided them on end of last year with Virtualization Roadmap webcast delivered in October 2005. Another detail about recovery capabilities now leaks out from Gartner Symposium 2006 where George Ou from ZDNet asked to Microsoft representatives:"

"The Microsoft speaker mentioned that there were Parent and Child operating systems running on top of the Windows Hypervisor which is leveraging Intel and AMD virtualization technology."

"At the end of the presentation, I asked if Child operating systems had a dependency on the Parent operating systems such that they would die if the Parent OS was shut down. The answer was that if the Parent operating system died, a new Parent OS would be elected and all the Child OSes would continue to run..."

Related Items:

Microsoft vNext Is Just Virtual Server 2005 R2 Service Pack 1 (9 March 2006)
Microsoft Sheds More Light On Windows Hypervisor Technology (6 April 2006)
Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 For Free ! (3 April 2006)
Stripping Down Longhorn Virtualization (30 October 2006)
Microsoft To Embed Windows Hypervisor In Longhorn By 2010 (10 January 2006)
Microsoft Will Start Virtual PC 2007 Public Beta Program In October (29 September 2006)
A Brief Architecture Overview Of VMware ESX, XEN And Windows Server Virtualization (19 June 2007)
TechNet Webcast: TechNet Webcast: Understanding Windows Hypervisor and Virtualization in Windows Ser (10 November 2005)
Debunking Blue Pill myth (11 August 2006)
Microsoft's Virtualisation Roadmap (12 August 2005)
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