Multiple Remote Desktops manager: MuRD 2 Released
Wednesday, 07 March 2007 by Michel Roth
Anyone who uses a lot Terminal Server connections a lot (in only in Remote Administration) knows that you need some kind of tool that helps you out in managing all these RDP connections. Since the Microsoft Remote Desktops snapin isn't flexible enough to meet my demands, you'll have to find another one. Next to the somewhat more well-known ones like RoyalTS and vrD, there's another one: Multiple Remote Desktops manager (MuRD) 2. It allow you to:

• Manage and arrange your remote desktop connection settings using folders and shortcuts in a way that works for YOU.
• Combine connections into "groups" to enable you to open multiple connections at the same time
• Run the main application window in full screen mode so that you maxmize display space but still have tabs visible for switching between connections
• Run full screen remote desktop connections on ANY monitor and seemlessly move connections between monitors or back to the connection manager
• Locate your current remote desktop connections via tabs (main application window) and drop down menus (for full screen windows)

MuRD is not free. It costs $34,95. Check out MuRD here.

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