RDC Enhancements and Administrative Sessions |
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
by Michel Roth
Another good article by the Enterprise Platforms Windows Server Performance Team. This time they are talking about the enhancement made to Remote Desktop in the "Remote Administration Mode".
Just a couple of highlight from the article:
Differences between administrative sessions (/admin, formerly /console) and user sessions:
- The Time Zone is not redirected for administrative sessions even if the setting is enabled on the server
- PNP Device Redirection is not available for administrative sessions
- TS Easy Print is not available for administrative sessions
- Drive and legacy print redirection is available for administrative and user sessions
- Administrative sessions are exempted from the Deny this user permission to log on to Terminal Server
policy in the TS profile of the user. If this option is selected for a
user, they cannot connect remotely using MSTSC.EXE without using the
/admin switch. If the same user is part of the Administrators group or
listed in the access control list that permits logon to administrative
sessions then they can connect with the /admin switch
- Administrative sessions are exempt from the session limit imposed on the server
- When
the limit on the number of administrative sessions is exceeded, the
contention is handled by allowing a new user to disconnect existing
users. There is never any contention for CAL (user) sessions. As long
as you have a valid CAL, you can connect remotely unless the session
limit has been reached
One thing that was very reassuring to read was that the author also found it fit to mention Cleartype "redirection" in Terminal Server 2008 but also to warn about the increased bandwidth it consumes. Be sure the read the entire article.