Royal TS 1.4 Released
Wednesday, 26 September 2007 by Michel Roth
My favorite free RDP connection manager RoyalTS has been updated to version 1.4. Well, it actually wasn't really my favorite RDP connection manager because it had some annoying little bugs and missed some core functionality. The bugs are fixed now and, what's ever more important, it now finally is possible to set the credentials used for all the connections (or just part of them) in a single action. Finally! I love it. Check it out:

Here's a rundown of all the new features:

• Requires .NET Framework 2.0
• User Interface Upgrade
• Removal of 3rd Party controls
• No more duplicate connection names or folder names possible
• Connection list when a folder or the document is selected
• The connection list also features a search function
• Bulk-Edit (includes the ability to re-apply credentials to multiple connections)
• Ability to send a message to a remote session and log off a remote session
• Some basic logging (double-click on the status bar)

With all these new features added and the bugs fixed, RoyalTS is in pole position as far as I'm concerned. The only thing that remains a pain is to create that initial collection of servers.. right? Well, not if you know about the RoyalTS Phonebook.

Download Royal TS 1.4 for free here.

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