SFT Encoder -1.1 Now Avaialble
Thursday, 10 September 2009 by Michel Roth
SFT Encoder is meant for powerful command-line -based editing and creation of App-V packages. Version 1.1 has just been released.

New release introduces several new directives for template -based package processing as well as few new command-line options. Installer now includes the Batch Processing GUI – previously available as separate download – which makes it breeze to mass-process batch of App-V packages when there’s need to change server name due to server migration or perhaps when needing to add new OS values due to Windows 7 rollout. For those wanting to evaluate product before buying, trial version is finally available for downloading and trying, as is the free Express version for simple package creation purposes.

Source: http://www.virtualisointi.fi/en/archives/78

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