Monday, 20 November 2006 by Michel Roth
TekStop is another simple but effective batch utility for ICA/RDP sessions logoff:

• Logoff all users with exception of one preselected user
• Logoff all sessions

TekStop.exe requires support for Terminal Services and can be executed from Windows XP Pro, Windows 2000, Windows 2003 and Windows Terminal Server 4.0. Presence of Citrix MetaFrame is not essential.
Command line switches:

• "RUN:YES" – prevents accidental logoffs, required (utility will not execute logoff unless this switch is provided)
• "SERVER:[ServerName]" – provide target server name. Missing “server” switch assumes local server.
• “EXCLUDE:[Domain\UserName]” or “EXCLUDE:[ComputerName\UserName] switch excludes one preselected user from logoff with this utility.
• "ONLY:[Domain\UserName]" or "ONLY:[ComputerName\UserName]" switch to set logoff for all sessions owned by a preselected user, other sessions are not affected. This switch overrides “exclude” switch.
• "TYPE:ICA" and "TYPE:RDP" switch targets either ICA or RDP session respectively. Missing “type” switch assumes that all user owned sessions will be subject for logoff (listener, idle and native console sessions are not reset).

Read more and download at Frameworkx.com.

Related Items:

TekStop: Selective User Logoff Batch Utility (1 July 2005)
New Free Citrix Tools From Ctrl-Alt-Del IT Consultancy (26 October 2006)
New Tool: TSMSG (16 April 2007)
Introducing MSTSC /admin (19 December 2007)
New Tool: TSREBOOT (12 February 2007)
RDC Enhancements and Administrative Sessions (20 February 2008)
Optimizing Logon And Logoff Whitepaper (17 July 2006)
Troubleshooting The Logon- / Logoff Process (30 January 2005)
Console Behavior Differences in Longhorn Server Terminal Services (28 November 2006)
TSLOADBAL Client Edition 2.5 (4 February 2008)
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