TSFactory Announces RecordTS Workstation Edition
Tuesday, 26 June 2007 by Michel Roth
TSFactory just announced that their RecordTS product now also is available in a Desktop license form.It is called RecordTS Workstation Edition. RecordTS Workstation Edition is licensed on a per workstation basis and is for companies running Windows XP Professional on their PCs and/or Virtual Machines (if in a VDI type solution) who would like to record all the activity performed when users connect to their workstations using the Microsoft Remote Desktop application.

Pricing per workstation is $139.00 USD and this includes one year of Software Assurance. Minimum purchase of 5 workstations is required.

For those of you who don't know, RecordTS is a “security camera” designed to record Remote Desktop (or ICA) sessions. With VDI becoming more popular this could be a nice option for people wanting to monitor desktops they offer via VDI. If you want to have an idea of what RecordTS looks and feels like, you should take a look at the Thincomputing.net Premo I did on Record TS earlier.

Related Items:

RecordTS (26 April 2007)
Thincomputing.net Premo: RecordTS (26 April 2007)
RecordTS Beta Updated (6 May 2007)
RecordTS Launch (8 November 2006)
ObserveIT: Another Tool To Monitor RDP and ICA sessions (and more) (8 April 2008)
TSFactory To Release ICA-Recoding Into RecordTS Very Soon (8 March 2007)
ObserveIT Review (18 July 2008)
TSFactory ICARecorder Public Beta (19 March 2007)
Terminal Services Session Recording (21 June 2006)
How To Playback VMware Workstation Movies Without VMware Workstation (26 February 2007)
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