visionapp Experience 2007 Now Free
Thursday, 16 August 2007 by Michel Roth
A couple of day ago I received a newletter from visionapp. Newsletters in general I find kind of hard to read because I need to filter out to much "excess content". In this newsletter, I found some modesty with visionapp quite quietly announcing that their "visionapp Experience" is free from now on.

"The visionapp Experience 2007 powered iQurious" by is a tool or set of tools thay allow you to set up a Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 demo environment very quickly. It is designed to create a single server system to evaluate, test, and demonstrate the functionality of Citrix Presentation Server 4.5. It consists of the following components: Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Terminal Services, Microsoft Internet Information Server, Citrix Presentation Server 4.5, Citrix Streaming Server, Citrix Licensing Server and Citrix Web Interface 4.5.

Note the "powered by iQurious" bit. Brian Madden reveals that this is due to the fact that iQurious helped built this tool. iQurious is Rick Dehlingers company.

Download the visionapp Experience 2007 powered iQurious here. (registration required)

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