What Is Virtual Memory (In WindowsCE) ?
Wednesday, 08 November 2006 by Michel Roth
A really deep technical on WindowsForDevices.com by Sue Loh a developer on the Windows CE team on virtual memory and how Windows CE makes use of it" "Virtual memory" is one of those technical terms that gets bandied about a lot, but is often neither well understood nor precisely defined. In this whitepaper, Windows CE developer Sue Loh offers a straightforward explanation of virtual memory, and explains how Windows CE makes use of it. "

"If you had asked me what virtual memory was several years ago, I'd have given you some hand-wave explanation about making it appear as if your computer has much more RAM than it actually does. Which is only sort of correct and fairly imprecise. Sometimes people will get stuck on the idea of writing data to the file system, which is not quite correct either."

"So, as you see, virtual memory in its most minimal definition is just having a mapping between virtual addresses and physical addresses. To lay out allocations in the address space in an efficient manner and avoid wasting physical memory on unallocated address space. In more practical terms, we also use the virtual address space to implement paging, avoid wasting physical memory on allocated addresses that are not actively being used."

Read the entire article here.

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