What’s New In Terminal Services Licensing For Longhorn?
Thursday, 05 April 2007 by Michel Roth
The Terminal Services team has blogged about the upcoming changes in Terminal Services Licensing in Windows Longhorn? This is part 1 is a series. This, to my knowledge, is the first time Microsoft speaks out on a very important issue: Longhorn will be able to track User-TSCALs but will not enforce correct license usage.

"Terminal Services Licensing in Longhorn Beta 3 has several new features that will enable better deployment and management of Licensing environments. We addressed several customer requests in this new release of Longhorn such as per-user tracking and reporting, manual revocation of licenses, better diagnostics and support for WMI providers. I'll discuss each of these separately in the next few days.

Prior to Longhorn, per-user licenses were not issued. Thus there was no easy way to track if the usage of per-user licenses was in line with the EULA and the licensing agreements. With Longhorn, you can easily track usage and create reports of how many per-user licenses were issued. Reports can be accessed both through the License Manager UI as well as the WMI providers. Note that in Longhorn, per-user licenses are only tracked and not enforced."

Read it all here.

Related Items:

What’s new in Terminal Services Licensing for Longhorn? (Part 2) (12 April 2007)
What’s new in Terminal Services Licensing for Longhorn? (Part 5) (2 May 2007)
Terminal Server Licensing/Gateway WMI Providers (18 September 2006)
Tracking User TSCALS in Windows 2008 (7 August 2007)
Windows Server "Longhorn" Terminal Services Step-By-Step Guides (31 July 2006)
What’s New In Terminal Services Licensing For Longhorn? (Part 4) (24 April 2007)
What’s new In Terminal Services Licensing for Longhorn? (Part 3) (19 April 2007)
Terminal Services Team Chat Transcript (1 August 2006)
Microsoft To Enforce Volume License Key Compliance For Vista And Longhorn (28 June 2006)
Per Device License Reports In Windows Server 2008 (10 August 2007)
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