Windows Server 2008 R2 Core: Introducing SCONFIG
Thursday, 09 July 2009 by Michel Roth
Introducing SCONFIG for Windows Server 2008 R2 Core Deployment. SCONFIG dramatically eases server configuration for Windows Server 2008 R2 core deployments.

With SCONFIG, you can easily set your system up, get it on the network so you can easily manage the server remotely. Rename your computer? Press 2 and you will be prompted to type in the computer name. Domain join? Press 1 and you'll be prompted for name & password.

Simple and fast.

With SCONFIG you can easily have a Windows Server 2008 R2 Server Core deployment setup in minutes. I should also mention that SCONFIG is also localized in almost 20 languages.

Tasks include: Domain join Rename Computer Configure Remote (Enable management via Server Manager, & PowerShell including properly configuring the firewall.) Configuring Windows Update Enabling Remote Desktop (in case you want to login remotely.) Configuring Networking (static vs. DHCP and for multiple NICs)

All you have to do is type sconfig at the command line.

Remember, the goal with a server core deployment is to get the server on the network so you can manage it remotely. With SCONFIG this is a snap. Now from another system you can enable roles, run PowerShell scripts, manage it using System Center, manage it using Server Manager from another server running Windows Server 2008 R2, or manage it using the free Remote System Administration Tools (RSAT) for Windows 7.


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More On February 2007 CTP Of Windows Server "Longhorn" (21 February 2007)
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